| Note : we are currently not at debugging/suggestions phase, not yet.
(even if critical bugs and inaccessibility should really be mentionned by mail!!) |
Major modules coming in the future :
(kept aside for now to focus on quick playability)
- Some tchat/feedback room, so we can all interact! - Done!
- Breeding, of course! - Done!
- Loads of furry races. - Done!
- Recruiting NPCs to build your own clan. - Done!
- More 'alien' races! - Done!
- Combats!
- Musics & sounds!
- Skill trees
- More multiplayer aspects : leagues, coop, clan wars, etc...
- More planets/colonies of various size. Go galactic!
I would also like to develop crafting, looting, skills/tech tree & base/den building, but those ones are still under 'technical doability study', need to progress more on the game to figure them out.